Wonton Skin Wrapped Asparagus

Hi everyone! Hope you had a relaxing weekend. Houston has had a lot of rain, which means the temperature hasn’t been in the 100’s (Yay!). Even though the dampness can get a bit inconvenient, but we have been enjoying the “cool” weather in general. Hubby told me the average Houston household uses around $300 of electricity a month (fortunately ours is way below that), I suppose the rain should bring a little relief to all of our bills this month, plus our yard has abundance of flowers, I feel like we live in a cute English cottage every time we walk out the front door!

What do you usually do on the weekends? Ever since I got an Pinterest account, there are all kinds of little projects I want to try. This could be food related, or crafts. I’ve recently found a package of shells and cute rocks little girl picked up from this year’s North California vacation, instead of just leaving them in the baggie and eventually lose sight of them, I’ve decided to make jewelries. Here is a photo of the finished rings:

Every time I look at them, the California cool breeze comes back in my mind, good times!

I also got the inspiration for today’s recipe from Pinterest. There’s sighting of fried wrapped mozzarella cheese sticks, they looks delicious, but most of you know little girl and I are lactose sensitive, so that would not have been a good recipe to try out. But the thought of wrapped food item got stuck in my mind, so I bought a bag of wonton skin, and decided to wrap some vegetable to mix things up. They turned out really yummy. The asparagus were cooked through, and the wonton skins were crunchy. Dip them in spicy fish sauce or whatever you see fitting, this makes for a delicious way to add many servings of vegetables into a balanced meal.


  • 1 bunch of asparagus, snap the tough ends off, clean and cut into 3 inch pieces
  • 3-4 stalked of green onions, sliced thinly
  • 1 bag of wonton skin, defrosted
  • salt
  • pepper
  • 2-3 T Olive oil


  • Preheat up the oven to 350 degrees.
  • On a single piece of wonton skin, put 1-2 stalks of asparagus, some thinly sliced green onions, a dash of salt and pepper, then roll it into tube shape. Seal the roll with a little bit of water.
  • Lay the finished asparagus rolls onto a baking sheet (lined with foil for ease of cleaning). Brush some olive oil over the rolls.
  • When the oven is ready, bake the rolls for 6-7 minutes.
  • Turn the broiler on (depending on your oven’s strength, mine was on high), broil the rolls for 3-4 minutes. Take the rolls out, reverse them onto the other side, brush some more olive oil on that side, then broil for another 3-4 minutes until wonton skin is crunchy. Serve immediately with spicy fish sauce (Recipe).

22 Comments Add yours

  1. Sissi says:

    Excellent idea, Jeno! I have never thought about it and now I no longer see asparagus here 😦 And they are baked too (not deep-fried, I am glad because I have recently exaggerated with tonkatsu and korokke…) Your snacks also look elegant and sophisticated. What do I see behind??? Is it tofu with some ground meat and a delicious sauce? I also am lactose sensitive, but it means I don’t feel great after certain dishes with lots of milk (like some custard-type cakes), but no itchy spots etc.. I don’t drink milk with coffee but soy milk and it is the only thing I do.
    The rings are really cute and certainly an excellent souvenir from the beach.

    1. Jeno says:

      Hi Sissi! Thank you for your compliments! I really enjoyed making this easy dish, even though hubby was not a huge fan, but little girl and I ate so much vegetable, I was feeling good because she normally would not touch asparagus no matter how I cook it! The tofu dish was also simple to make, pan fried the tofu slices, drain oil then stir fry ground pork and some sauce together, voila!

      I had no idea you are lactose sensitive also, we do not get itchy spots, but the stomach bubbles really bother me. Little girl would get stomach cramp, so for now we’ve learned to just stay away from dairy as much as we could (this means ice cream also, sad…) I tell her it’s a blessing in disguise, because we might really put on the chunk if we can eat all that dairy goodies!

      1. Sissi says:

        I am a big fan of sorbets so I wouldn’t miss ice-cream, but frankly I have to eat more than one small portion of ice-cream to feel bad, so I am not as sensitive as you.
        Thanks for the tofu and meat recipe! Great and easy idea!

      2. Jeno says:

        I think we can handle sorbets, since they are made with fruits and no dairy right?

  2. Jenny says:

    Hi Jenos, really rnjoyed your post. that sounds like a brilliant idea! our asparagus season was so short, and they are all finished now. But this is a great recipe you can chop and change with whatever you like, really! We’ve had the most wonderful weather over here. The flowers are a joy.

    1. Jeno says:

      Hi Jenny! For some reason we have asparagus here all seasons, now peach on the other hand is only good for about 1 month out of the year, and believe me I am taking advantage of that right now!

      You are totally correct, the wonton skin would work with any kind of vegetables, I plan on making it a stable so little girl will eat her greens!

  3. lyntrinix says:

    Hi Jeno! How have you been lately? I’m sick for the past two days after my girls and hubby had recovered but am better now, PHEW! Guessed it was due to our tradition warm season here in SG (alot of people falling sick; quite a number of kids having HFMD especially those attending childcare centres-this was what I heard from Trinke’s previous centre’s manageress when she called me last week to collect her graduation certificate).

    Oh I LOVE both dishes of yours here! I shall try them one day(most probably after this dreadful weather)! Trinke doesn’t eat asparagus too, hopefully she’ll like it just like your little girl.
    As for your pan fried tofu with ground meat, I’m sure my family will love it! 😀

    Beautiful rings you made! I like the one with the shell on the left, very nice! 😉

    1. Jeno says:

      Hi Lyn!!! I hope you recover 100% very very soon! It does get real hot in the kitchen making the wonton recipe, the oven heats everything up and I can feel it while cooking the tofu dish on the stove. Though if Trinke doesn’t like asparagus, you might entice her with this recipe. Trini ate so many I lost count!

  4. Excellent idea. Crunchy and yummy! What did you use as a dipping sauce? Take Care, BAM

    1. Jeno says:

      Hi Bam! I used spicy fish sauce for dipping, here is the link to the recipe (scroll down a bit): https://weeknitemeals.wordpress.com/2010/02/02/fried-fish-with-spicy-fish-sauce/

      1. Sounds great. thanks

  5. Hi Cindy! Wow the natural stone rings are so pretty! I think it’s a wonderful way to capture your memory into a jewelry box (my kids call it “treasure box”). I love the wonton skin wrapped asparagus. This will be really popular appetizer for sure! I usually wrap just cheese when we have leftover, but I need some changes – this will be great! Hope all is well with you. I’m having mad crazy weeks… lol.

    1. Jeno says:

      Hi Nami! Thank you for liking the rings, I used hot glue guns for them but it’s not super secure, need to figure out how to be a better crafter!

      I bet the cheese wraps taste awesome, too bad the older I am, the worse my lactose sensitive problem gets. This time when we went to Lake Tahoe, Trini had stomach cramp for a couple of days after eating an ice cream bar. After that episode she has realized we just need to stick with eating fruit puree bars, a little sad but certainly save our calories!

      Hope your week gets less crazy, enjoy your Summer!

  6. Hi Cindy, your stone rings look so pretty. Now I am thinking of doing some arts and crafts for the weekend too:) The wonton wrapped asparagus sounds like an excellent idea! I bet the crunchy wrapper goes so well with the baked asparagus! I might try to do something similar since I’ve still got some extra wonton skins from making those cheese wontons.

    1. Jeno says:

      Hi Yi! Thank you for your compliments! I had no idea you are into crafts, I am not very patient when it comes to that, but do find these Pineterest idea very interesting. I actually bought the wonton skins after seeing your posting and those mozzarella sticks, thank you so the inspiration!

  7. Hotly Spiced says:

    I’m now following you on Pinterest! I keep hearing what a hot summer you’re having. Meanwhile, we’re very cold down under. I love the look of your rings. I can’t believe you’ve only just started making jewellery. The rings are beautiful xx

    1. Jeno says:

      Hi Charlie! Thank you for the follow! I just love Pinterest, don’t you? I don’t know why but the idea of having a very cold June-August is just so strange to me, it’s hot here from late April until end of October, so we have a way to go, ugh…

  8. Oooooooh so simple but so pretty! 😀

    1. Jeno says:

      Thank you Kath! These were a huge hit with the little girl and I, too bad hubby was not a huge fan… I hope you are doing well with exam preparation, and still take enough time to relax/play music!

  9. Bali Tour says:

    It’s really amazing

    Thanks for the recipe, i would like to try it 🙂

    1. Jeno says:

      Thank you, hope you do give it a try!

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